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Wow! Your shop looks so lovely!

by Krystyna Castle November 11, 2015 1 min read

Wow! Your shop looks so lovely!

We've heard two things over and over since we opened our doors a week or so ago. Everyone who comes in says the same, firstly, "Wow! Your shop looks lovely" and they always follow up with "I can't believe these flowers aren't real." We smile and say thank you and inside think, yes, we did it.

There's something so fab about rich greens against the near black backdrop of our interior that just works and we are hoping that our website, due to be launched today (Tuesday, November 11th) captures the lush look of our little shop.

In the early days, there are bound to be teething problems so please bear with us. And, let us know what you think - if something doesn't work the way it should, please tell us. In fact, please get in touch, Paul and I would love to hear from you. 

By the way, our website is now live here: www.wyldhome.com

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