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What a ride!

by Krystyna Castle September 15, 2016 1 min read

What a ride!

I'm sitting here planning our shop's first birthday celebrations and thinking about the last 11 months. Wow, what a year it has been! From that first moment when our ideas crystallised into a plan when we stumbled across Abigail Ahern's faux botanicals, to finding our tiny shop on Shrewsbury's Wyle Cop and the breakneck speed of painting and styling it, it has been a massive series of highs. 

A year that had started with quiet retirement and time with the grandchildren became a flurry of discovery, new experiences, endless inspiration and creativity.

There has been excitement - the first delivery, our opening day, the first day at Maison et Objet, the first product to go in a national magazine style shoot, and frustration - discontinued products, problems with couriers to name but two. And there have been our wonderful customers who have supported us and appreciated all we have done.

Creating an online store and photographing all our products has been a real thrill for both of us and, whilst time consuming and challenging, doing it all ourselves has saved us tens of thousands.

Have we made mistakes? Plenty! Have we achieved our aims? Definitely! In my wildest dreams I did not expect the shop to be featured in several massive magazines before our first year was up. I am still pinching myself.

So, the big question... what have we learnt?

Never think it is too late. Never give up, trust your instincts, believe in what you love and others will love it too.

Go Wyld!

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